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How it Works

Step 1: Launch the tool.

Step 2: Click on the Browse option to import the EDB files. If you do not know where EDB is located then you can use Search EDB opton.

Step 3: If you want quick recovery, just click on Quick scan & in case if you want deep scanning of the EDB files, go to the "Advance Scan" option.

Step 4: Click on Mailbox and view its data in the right panel of the software. Also, you can view complete details of emails after clicking on it.

Step 5: Then, before going for conversion task, if you don't want few mailboxes or folders data, then you just need to uncheck them. After doing all such things, click on "Export".

Step 6: Choose the location where you want to save the converted data and then click on Advanced setting.

Step 7: This step will allow you to apply naming convention & date filter. Then, click on Save button.

Step 8: A message will appear Settings saved successfully. Click Ok to proceed.

Step 9: Click on maintain folder hierarchy option & select Export button.

Step 10: A new window will appear which shows export process.

Step 11: In the final step, the application will pop up a window that shows Export procedure of emails has been completed successfully.

Step 12: Export report will be generated which shows source filename, success count & fail count.

Step 13: You can save the report in user-defined location for future references.